We’re committed to helping early-stage founders.

Iterative Team

Cathy Guo
Cathy Guo
Principal, Investments
Cathy Guo is an ex-founder turned VC with experience across the US, India and SEA. She founded Dunya Labs, a dev tools startup, right after graduating from college. Then she moved from NYC to Bangalore, where she spent ~3 years backing founders at the earliest stages as a core team member and Head of Portfolio at Antler India. She is energized by learning about various industries, backing high-impact ventures in emerging markets, and solving problems while cheerleading for founders. She has a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy from Columbia University.
Phanthila (Mook) Saengthong
Phanthila (Mook) Saengthong
Senior Associate, Investments
Mook is passionate about backing founders across Southeast Asia by getting them the essential resources they need for venture growth. Her experience spans across Business Development, GTM Strategy, and Investing. Previously, she was a Business Strategy Manager at Meta (fka Facebook). Prior to joining Iterative, she was also an early to growth stage investor at Beacon VC and Asia Partners.
Melissa Taing
Melissa Taing
Programs Lead, Recruiting
Melissa is passionate about transforming big ideas into meaningful programs and tangible results. Her program management experience spans industries, from nonprofit to tech, including UNICEF USA and Grab. She has worked in multilingual and multicultural environments in Beijing, New York, and Singapore.
Yi Jun Phung (June)
Yi Jun Phung (June)
Content Strategist, Recruiting
June has driven content strategy for B2B and B2C companies, helping them grow through various forms of content. She started as a fashion business writer, before expanding into other verticals (retail, business analytics, startups) and leading content & marketing teams. Her previous work can be found in Inside Retail Australia & Asia, Omnilytics and Harper's Bazaar.
Pranav Ashok
Pranav Ashok
Product Lead, Recruiting
Pranav is an ex-founder passionate about building products. In 2016, he founded Mapped, a boutique search firm focused on hiring for high-growth startups, PE & VC firms. In 2021, he founded Allo Spaces, a B2B prop-tech marketplace for hybrid companies across Asia Pacific. He has a B.Engg in Computer Science from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Léana Traing
Léana Traing
Portfolio Success Manager, Founders
Leana, a former founder and seasoned finance professional, has had experience working in various FinTech SaaS companies. She's passionate about building connections and making communities thrive. Born and raised in France, she holds a dual French-Cambodian citizenship, and has resided in both the US and Singapore. She holds a Master of Finance from MIT Sloan and a Master's in Management from EDHEC Business School.
Gavin Walsh
Gavin Walsh
Head of Finance & Transactions
Gavin is passionate about investing and helping to build great investment firms. Prior to joining Iterative, he was the first hire and Head of Finance & Operations at COTU Ventures, a leading MENA-focused early-stage venture fund. Gavin has worked in Dublin, Dubai and Singapore, with experience spanning VC, PE investing and corporate finance advisory. He holds a BCom from University College Dublin (Ireland), an MSc in Finance & Management from Cranfield School of Management (UK), and is a qualified Chartered Accountant (Ireland).
Mariah Low
Mariah Low
Talent Partner
Mariah has successfully built teams across various functions, including Sales, Marketing, Tech, Operations and Product. Armed with experience in Hospitality, she began her career in Recruitment with a Tech recruitment agency before transitioning in-house. Prior to joining Iterative, she played a pivotal role in scaling Moneyhero Group (Series B, B2C) and Omnipresent (Series B, B2B).
Claire Chan
Claire Chan
Executive Assistant
Claire has almost a decade of experience in the financial industry, having worked for a consumer-focused bank. Her main responsibilities were to establish and maintain strong relationships with clients, and address their concerns by finding solutions to any issues they faced. Claire was known for her resourcefulness in problem-solving. She also assisted a wealth management company in setting up their physical office in Singapore as an Executive Assistant/Office Manager, single-handedly.
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We’re backed by the world’s leading investors.

Ben Casnocha
Both Iterative and Village believe in getting the right people in your corner as the first step to success. We're thrilled to be supporting their fund as an LP.
Ben Casnocha
Co-Founder and Partner at Village Global

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